
【Kodomoen】 Let's take off our clothes!

Let's play English has resumed with the start of the second semester!

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Knees and toes. ♪

Mr. Ben taught us this song!
They have gotten used to Mr. Ben and are looking forward to this time!
I've heard Mr. Ben feels the same way…

From the book, connected to this song…

Above all! "Having fun wins, right?"
It says this in the work of "Snow Man," which is popular among designers…
"Having fun" is important! This is just as good!

It was so much fun that I forgot to take pictures…

Reading aloud after playing with Mr. Ben…
"Corn, let's take off"

 Just when I think they've finished reading…

"Nuguzou"!! (It's coming).

Wow! Thats "Nuguzou"!!!

If so…

More peeling…
More and more peeling…

After all, the fun of "Nuguzou" is to take off everything and soak in the bathtub…

Put the "Nuguzou" in the "bath"! If you ask the cook…

There is "Nuguzou" in the paste on the fish!


The "Nuguzou" was happy to be eaten by the children…!

This started with a suggestion from a designer who read aloud…

In order to focus on all the children at the Kodomoen and stimulate their desire for food…

It is said that a strong "spirit" resides in a strong "body"!
Food is what supports a strong body! Food also supports the ability to turn ideas into reality (design ability), and also resilience, which we want to foster here!

A scene was created by a designer, a registered dietitian, and a cook, who take the practice of "food education" seriously, which fosters the "power to eat" = "the power to live"…

Until our school lunch is ready…

They race around the spacious ground…
As they ran, it quickly shrunk in size… but on the way back, it didn't get any bigger…

Oi! Come here!

Exercising a lot is also an important aspect of dietary education…

However, they were sweating a lot, so after rehydrating…

Peeling, peeling, peeled!

We are "Nuguzou!"

