【Interview#03】「ノーチャイム」からはじまった“私”の物語(半谷真由香)The story of "I" that began with "No Chime" (Mayuka Hanya)
認定こども園と義務教育学校が一体となり、0〜15歳のシームレスな学びを目指す「学び舎 ゆめの森」。2023年4月の開校と同時に赴任した半谷真由香デザイナーは、ゆめの森の教育方針・コンセプトにはじめは戸惑ったといいます。開校から3ヶ月が過ぎ、子どもたちと触れあう中でどのような気づきがあったのか、お話をお聞きしました。
"Gakusha Yumenomori" aims to seamlessly learn from 0 to 15 years old by integrating a certified child care center and a compulsory education school. Designer Mayuka Hanya, who was assigned to the school when it opened in April 2023, said that she was at first confused by Yumenomori's educational policy and concept. Three months have passed since the school opened, and we asked him what he noticed while interacting with the children.
※「学び舎 ゆめの森」では小学校教諭を「デザイナー」と呼んでいます。
*At Gakusha Yumenomori, elementary school teachers are called designers.
Common sense of "seat with chime" overturned
-What did you think of Yumenomori's educational policy when you first arrived?
I used to teach at an elementary school in Nara prefecture for 12 years. The number of children varied from small schools to medium-sized schools, but it was a so-called ordinary elementary school where students were lined up in front of each other in the schoolyard. So, when I first started working at Yumenomori, I was honestly confused by the fact that there were no rules about what you had to do, and there was too much freedom to do whatever you wanted . I couldn't understand it right away, and I think I was pouting, saying, "If there aren't more rules, the children will be in trouble!" I 'm
sure I was the one who had the most trouble (laughs) . However, when I thought about it more, I found myself asking, "What is the point of sitting with the chime in the first place?"
―It was a confusing start. How are you feeling now?
After interacting with the children for about three months, I began to think, "Maybe this (Yume no Mori's policy) is better." Within the minimum rules, you have to manage yourself because you are free, and I wonder if that leads to self-management .
It's not that I'm denying the education we've had so far, but when Masuko, GM (vice principal), asked me, "Mr. I did!" he replied immediately.
wait until the child realizes
―Is there anything you can learn only at Yumenomori?
It just happened today, but I did the math that was planned for the first hour until the third hour. I was in charge of the class until the 3rd period, so I changed the schedule for the 2nd and 3rd periods and extended the math time.
A third-year class, "Let's measure 50 meters" in "long length". What kind of tools should I use and where should I measure the length? It's easy for adults to teach them how to measure , but I waited, waited, waited, waited, and waited for the child to figure it out , and before I knew it, three hours had passed.
At my previous school, I think the education would have been to teach students how to measure, reflect what they learned in their test scores, and raise their average scores. However, Yumenomori values the awareness of children. Rather than aiming for a high score, I think it's better to have a goal that makes children's eyes sparkle at the end, saying, "I got it!" It takes a lot of patience to wait for that moment though (lol)
―It's a dense three hours,
I think. . The class is math, but at the end, I put what I learned into words and output it in a video, so it's also a national language activity. It can also be a sporting activity where you actually run the measured 50 meters. It's also interesting to be able to learn beyond the boundaries of subjects rather than following the textbook .
A place where you can say “I want to do this”
―Is there anything that you are conscious of when dealing with children?
子どもと同じ目線に立てるか、って重要だなと。たとえば子どもが「先生見て、バッタ。」とバッタを手に乗せて見せてきたとき、大人は何て言ってあげられるか。どうしてこの子は「バッタを見て」って言ったんだろう?って考える。 以前は虫を怖がっていた子なら「バッタを触れるようになったんだ」と声をかけたり。あるいはバッタの色に着目して「今日は緑色の服を着てるね」とか。子どもの考えや世界を広げられるような声がけができたら、と思いながら対話しています。
I think it's important to stand on the same line of sight as the child . For example, when a child puts a grasshopper on his hand and says, "Teacher, look at the grasshopper," what can an adult say? Why did this kid say "look at the grasshopper"? I think. If the child used to be afraid of insects, she would say, "I've learned to touch grasshoppers." Or, focusing on the color of the grasshopper, you might say, "You're wearing green clothes today, aren't you?" I am having conversations with the hope that I can have a voice that can expand the children's thoughts and the world .
Also, I am currently in charge of two third-year students, and I change the way I speak to them depending on their personalities. It's just me and my two children, so when I call out to one person, I try to keep the other person out of the loop.
For example when one child forgets her belongings and asks me why I forgot. The other child, although seemingly irrelevant, should be in a position to listen. Share what one person has experienced with the other . I think it would be nice if Mr. A could share various things and increase the number of drawers for each person, instead of thinking only about Mr. A.
An environment where neither designers nor children can be blamed
―I heard that you are making various proposals to the GM (principal and vice-principal).
At the school I used to work at, even if I wanted to make a proposal that I wanted to do, there were many times when I was hesitant to think about various backgrounds, and the teachers in managerial positions would end up saying no. The environment was different from now, so there are some things that can't be helped.
But at Yumenomori, the GM (Vice Principal) Masuko immediately talks to me and says things like, “Let’s do that,” “Don’t think of something interesting,” or “ Just try it.” It's easy to give your opinion .
―Have you made any proposals recently?
子どもたちの視野を広げるために、「バスを使って双葉町の壁面アートを見せに行きたい」と提案しました。すぐに、「やっていいんじゃない? それなら、アートが何のためにあるのか、聞かせてもらうのもいいんじゃない」とアドバイスをもらって、早速行ってきます。
In order to broaden the children's horizons, I proposed, "I want to use the bus to show the wall art of Futaba Town." Immediately, I was advised, "Isn't it okay to do it? Then why don't you ask me what art is for?"
In addition, when I finished class with a "fun" and "done" face, I was asked, "What was the purpose of studying?" "Mayuka, what are you doing?" I ask my children to do the same. I think that asking questions from my boss helps me organize my own learning .
(取材後記)取材後、「こうやって話す機会をもらえて、考えの整理ができて良かったです」との言葉がありました。赴任当初は戸惑いがあったという半谷真由香デザイナーですが、現在は新しいチャレンジを続けています。「私がはじまる場所」を自ら体現している姿をみて、これから子どもたちにどんな言葉をかけ、どんな時間を過ごしていくのか、今後も様子を追い続けたい! と感じる時間でした。
(After the interview) After the interview, he said, "I'm glad I got the opportunity to talk like this and was able to organize my thoughts." Designer Mayuka Hanya was confused when she first arrived, but now she continues to take on new challenges. Seeing how she embodies "the place where I start", I want to continue to follow how she will speak to the children and how she will spend her time! It was time to feel.