
【kodomoen】Where is this road leading to...?

Today, together with the children in the lower grades of a compulsory education school...
We made ridges for planting sweet potato seedlings...

We all make one ridge! Each mountain is connected to form a ridge...

In the muddy conditions that are so muddy that they can barely hold their boots...
We worked hard to make the ridges...

We planted some vegetable seedlings in front of the sweet potatoes in the kindergarten's farm!

Grow big, grow big, grow big!!

This is the beginning of an experience that you need to know in order to receive life and live...
While experiencing the thoughts of the farmers who play an important role in supporting "food"...
I hope that from now on, they will feel, think, and realize many things in this field...
In order to protect their own livelihoods...
The farmers must have racked their brains and arrived at their current cultivation method through trial and error...
It's all thanks to their painstaking efforts...
If that's the case, we can't just lay down mulch sheets...
No, we won't! I believe that vegetables have feelings and live just like us...
To foster a sense of gratitude for eating...
Food education begins with planting
Because growing and eating are on the same path!

If left alone, they will be overgrown with weeds...
If not cared for, they may be eaten by insects and wither...
You may never get a harvest...
That's okay! I want this to be a field where you can fail...

Rather than adults moving ahead with a beautiful goal...
I want the children to feel and have many rich experiences together every time they go to play in the field...
They will be amazed and surprised as they watch the seedlings and vegetables grow...

While weeding, they will suddenly encounter an insect and scream...

Their hands will take a detour to make mud balls while weeding...
If any red berries grow, they can pick one up to moisten their throat...
Whether it goes well or not...
This is Yume no Mori Farm, full of rich learning opportunities...

After finishing work and washing the tools they used...
The water changes the color of the playground...
If you scratch the soil with your hand from where the water comes out...
The water will gather in that line and flow away...

Your hand will slide across the soil...

It's like tracks left on the surface of snow!

Each child made their own path, bumping into someone else's path...
They thoroughly immersed themselves in playing...
"It's lunchtime!" They lost track of time...

This map that you left behind in the playground...
is the path that leads to your future...
It will connect to the will to live...

