【Kodomoen】 Inochi
The carp who came to the Kodomoen with a tadpole the other day, now has the name "Ribbon" 🎀.
She decided to consult with a designer to take care of her. She was fine during the day, however, by evening she was floating on her side…

She said goodbye today…
From the way she carefully wrapped her up in a newspaper, hugged her, and brought her home, it seems she had a lot of feelings…
A designer, sat with her quietly…
But Ribbon will always be close by…
Before the teacher knew it, she felt her first experience as a designer. We then made a "Gyotaku" (Fish print) with together.

I will try to remember this.
And it left such a beautiful colour…
Come to think of it…
In the Nobinobi classroom, there was nice decorations on the walls, which made it very relaxing.
I asked the children, "What are you doing?" "We're making bubbles!" They had added some colour to the windows using coloured plates.

It was this, its wonderful! So cute!
It looks like they're flying away in the sky.
This is exactly how a designer in Yumenomori thinks!
The designers intention was to make it visible for cars and pedestrians to see it. They had arranged the letters facing outwards, but no matter what they did, they were always black when viewed from outside…
So we rearranged them so they face inwards.
So when you look at them from outside, it still looks like a bear blowing bubbles, but its still very cute!
Today, we made Tanabata (Weaver) decorations together with help from some of our local elders.

For the small children, making a "wakka" (ring) is confusing…
Paste one side on the front, and it might turn inside out…
Paste the other on the back and it may stick to the part facing you…
It looks a "raindrop"…
Even if you notice that you're piling up rings and gluing them correctly, adding the next ring might be difficult.
We did our best!
Such a thing is still difficult for them!
Leave that to your big brothers and sisters, we are o-sa-n-po! (Going for a walk)
Say hello to Mr. Medaka, but they are not playing around…

They had a great time talking with the elders in the area!

It was fun!
We promised our new friends that we would visit again.