
【A daily record】 The power of 4C

Hello everyone.
The long weekend has ended. How did you all spend your time?
I took advantage of this long weekend to get rid of the garbage and unnecessary items that had been piling up, and I feel refreshed.
I came to school today with a fresh mind, but as expected, it was lively from the morning.
"My back hurts because I went to XX."
"We all went to ◻︎◻︎ and had a lot of fun!"
"That's nice. I stayed at home all the time, so it was boring."
Everyone spends their time in their own way.
Everyone, including those who stayed at home, seems to look cheerful after the long weekend, and I can finally take a breather.
Now, let's look back on today's Yume no Mori together.

After lunch, the students are talking.
"What was the sixth period today?"
"Eh, wasn't it 4C?"
"Oh, 4C."
...4C? Hmm, what is it? Is it some kind of code? ...It's natural to wonder. "4C" is an original lesson of Gakusha Yumenomori.



Critical thinking


"4C" is an acronym of four words. To summarize it simply,
"Discuss together, use your strengths, think with your head, and create something new. Let's cultivate such abilities using theatrical techniques."

That's what the lesson is about.

Piano with rotten teeth

Let's try to write about the situation objectively.

6th period. 3rd to 8th graders gather in the library plaza.

Today's theme is "Let's make a TV program! 'Hero Interview'".

In one group, students are divided into four roles: news anchor, reporter, voice actor, and cameraman, and create short content.

The heroes in the spotlight today are "familiar objects".

For example, a chair. Kim Jun will explain with an example.

"What's the chair's specialty?"

"Making tired people sit down?" the students answer.

"Then what aren't you good at?"

"I guess being dropped from high places or being treated roughly." The students think and think before speaking.

Then a chair with eyes appears, "Hero Chair Man."

"Hello! I'm Chair Man!"

Mr. Kimura voices Chair Man, changing his voice.

The idea is to portray everyday objects as people, interview them, and then the voice actor will talk about their strengths and weaknesses as the objects. This is filmed on an iPad.

"I can't wait to try it!" You can feel the students' excitement.

It seems they've cleared the first hurdle of motivation.

Kimjun calms the raging students and continues his talk.
"Everyone has a job they want to try, right? No job can be done alone. No one can get paid for doing only what they want.
No job can be done without cooperation with others."
"And..." Kimjun continues.
"In addition to cooperation, the 'deadline' is also important in the workplace. YouTubers and game creators who cannot meet this deadline cannot do their jobs.
Today, we will ask you to meet the deadline. The deadline is... 15 minutes later.
Now, disband!"
At Kimjun's signal, each group disperses into the forest of dreams. They have to decide on their roles, choose their heroes, and film in 15 minutes. It's a hectic time.

"We got some interesting shots!"
First, the third-year students come back out of breath.
The fourth-year students come back, still troubled.
After 15 minutes, all the groups have somehow managed to make a work and return to the Book Plaza. So, how did it turn out?

"Hashiraman" supports the school without anyone knowing

My honest opinion."!" The finished product was better than I expected. I'm not being lenient with my family. It was better than I expected.

To be honest, I think I "underestimated the kids." To be honest, I thought half of them wouldn't be able to finish in time.

But look at this.

Everyone kept to the deadline, cooperated without being selfish, and played their roles using their own strengths. The announcer was creative with the words, the voice actor changed the tone of his voice, and the cameraman captured the subject without messing around. I was amazed.

I feel like giving the students a heartfelt round of applause.

My special skill is "healing people." Here comes the cute hero.

Yume no Mori has a liberal school atmosphere.

It's a school that respects each other's autonomy.

But I've had feelings that have been simmering inside me for a while now.

"I won't do it because I don't want to."

"I won't do it because my opinion wasn't accepted."

As I wrote before, it's times like these when I come across words and situations like these.

"That's not right," I thought.
It seemed a little out of touch with the freedom and autonomy of school life.
I believe all readers will agree, but such selfishness has no place in society.
We can't let their misunderstood "freedom" grow any more.
"Don't confuse them."
I felt a sense of mission and had to take the time to speak out loudly to them...or so I thought.
However, looking back at today's activities, there was not a moment when they waved away their selfishness or abandoned the challenge.
Everyone talked together, used their strengths, used their heads, and created something new.
Yes, everyone was certainly able to do the "4Cs."
I had to apologize to the children.

After school when no one was there...It felt like the chairs were talking.

An extension of the 4Cs is the "theatrical performance."
By reaffirming my belief in their power, the possibilities for their future performances began to shine even brighter.