
[A daily Record] Junior Red Cross Joining Ceremony

Hello everyone.

The Red Cross is...

It is an organization founded by Henry Dunant with the goal of "respecting human life and saving those who are suffering without discrimination."

It is also called the JRC, and it contributes to "peace and welfare" for people in the local area and the world, mainly through schools.

The joining ceremony was held at the Book Plaza
We were awarded Red Cross badges.
The founder was the first person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

What can we do?

There are no activities that we have to do.

Clean-up activities, fundraising, interaction with the local community, disaster prevention training, etc.

"I want to do something for someone."

I think that feeling is what contributes to peace and welfare.

Yume no Mori joined the Junior Red Cross for both the junior and senior courses.

What can we do as members of the organization?

To be of benefit to the people around us.

I want to put into action what I feel that way.

It was a clear day outside.

First, we did a clean-up activity in the local area.

I thought there wouldn't be much trash lying around.


"Hey, isn't that just cardboard?"

Cardboard sinking in the waterway. A bag of fertilizer that must have been blown away by the wind.
"Is this plastic?"
What appears to be a shard of a plastic bottle. A shard of a candy bag.
"This was lying there too!"
A mask, a cigarette butt, a clothespin.

Looking closely...

Cardboard that had absorbed water was heavy.

Found trash!

It seemed like a lot of the things had been blown away by the wind, rather than littered. Even on the road we walked to and from school, we noticed small pieces of trash on the ground.

A clean residential area...

The water is so clean!

This activity made us realize that we had been able to clean up the area where we live.
As members of the Junior Red Cross, let's continue to find and do what we can!