
[A daily Record] Summer vacation is just around the corner③

First graders are making bubbles with fans in their water play class♪ "Fun!"

"Teacher! Take a picture!" They were shining with joy!

Mr. Kato, look!
Kids having a blast

Fourth graders are moving around in the gymnasium in their music class♪ Both the teachers and the kids were full of energy and I could feel their energy.

It was fun until the end~~!
Posing to the rhythm Learning while playing!

Fifth graders were discussing summer vacation plans and homework. They were thinking about how to spend their summer vacation in their own way.

What should they do to make their summer vacation more fulfilling?

Reviewing how to write letters!

The upper division (junior high school students) are taking their first practical test. They were concentrating on the test.

Do your best for your goals~

Looking back on their learning so far

Sixth graders were writing essays proposing ideas on the theme of SDGs. (Sorry for the lack of photos...)

"Research, think, and write."

Trying out different ways of expressing yourself than just speaking and listening!

Summer vacation is a chance to do lots of different things, as you have more time. Try lots of different things during summer vacation!!