
【Daily Record】 Our place of learning

Manabiya Yumenomori is full of plans. Today, many plans are underway in various parts of our large school building. Although we thought it would be a dizzyingly busy time, the students seem to be quite tough and enjoy every day. Now, let's take a look around the school building.

Secret present. "Making Secrets"

First grade students are hard at work making something on the terrace in front of the Wakuwaku Art Studio. When we took a peek to see what it was, we were immediately greeted with harsh scolding from them:
"Don't look!'' "No, it's a secret!''
When we looked from a distance, we saw that it was quite elaborate, with colourful tape attached to beautiful coloured paper. It looks like a present. As we watched patiently, a kind first grade student secretly whispered to me
"Can you see that we are wrapping morning glory seeds?'' "I'm giving them to the Kodomoen as a present.'' The first grade students worked hard to grow morning glories before summer vacation. The state of the morning glories is as we previously wrote in these notes. The flowers were in full bloom and the seeds were produced beautifully. Now, what should we do with these morning glory seeds? After everyone talked about it, they decided to present them to the Kodomoen.
The chain of morning glories will continue in Yumenomori.

Finished cleaning. The medaka look like they're feeling good.

The 5th grade students are active in the Science Lab. Children received medaka at the festival in Okuma Town the other day. However, it was difficult to keep them at home, so she brought them to school. Today we had an arranged meeting about the medaka fish that we have kept for a long time. We decided to clean out the medaka's aquarium in hopes of gaining more fish friends.
The work was progressing at a good pace until halfway through, preparing new water and shining light on the aquarium, but then, perhaps inspired by the free-swimming medaka, they started clinging to the pillars and playing with the experimental equipment. It is the same as the medaka in the aquarium. I couldn't help but hum the children's song "Medaka no Gakko.''

This is not art class, we are studying science!
He is trying the "Trial and Error" method.

Next is the third grade students activity. Is this art again?
He proudly says, "It's not art. It's science.''
It seems like this is a class about catching the invisible wind. To explain it more clearly, the idea is to create a self-propelled car that uses wind as power. They received an assignment from their designer a week in advance, and they consulted with their families to come up with ideas.
"If it's light and has a large sail to catch the wind, it should move faster.''
Based on that plan, they tried to make the base of the car as light as possible. They tried attaching a large sail to thin cardboard…
The car could not bear the weight and collapsed.

"How about this?"

Failure teaches success. He changed his first plan, then made the base thicker and stronger using a lighter material. "How about this?''
It seems like a precaution to wrap cardboard around the base tray.
"Here we go!''
He started to flap his fan with big motions, and the car started moving with great speed.
The experiment was a great success! It was a class where we learned from his mistakes.

The experiment was a big success!

These two students, who both got 100 points in math, shared their joy with a high five.

They got the wind from the vents and their clothes filled with air.
Relaxing time.

Cutely decorated envelopes as gifts for the Kodomoen children.

Where is our favourite places?

Exploring the school with all the students. We have made various plans.

A smiley face mark.

The hero of Yumenomori has completed his smiley face mark, with calligraphy.
I hope we can meet lots of smiley faces tomorrow too.

