
【kodomoen】Everything has started...

A new task has begun...
The other day, we planted sweet potato seedlings in the furrows we all made...
Soon after the children arrived at the nursery, the older and middle-aged children will head out in pairs...
To water the fields...
We don't know if watering every day is necessary...
Even if we think that it's not necessary...
We go to the fields as a sunny day job...
Yamamoto Isoroku's famous words come to mind...
By showing them, letting them do it, entrusting them with it, and acknowledging them...
A sense of "responsibility" will emerge in the children's hearts as they watch over the fields as if they are "their own"...
If we can get feedback from the children on duty about the changes in the seedlings and the state of the fields...
When everyone can communicate with the seedlings and vegetables...
When the children can exercise their own initiative in their work,
there's nothing more reliable than that...
When I went there today, I met a frog...
I hope you continue to enjoy many discoveries and encounters here! Because this is the children's "Yume koen" [tentative name]

On top of a hill with a great view, this is the "Yume-koen" [tentative name], full of learning

The costumes used at the Sports Festival become part of everyday play...
The restaurant set up in the area connecting the rooms is a huge success every day! !
It's a play that connects from the Sports Festival...
It's a play that spreads by adding a gradation from events to daily childcare!

"Welcome!""Please wait a moment!"

Maybe because we properly greeted the water god when the pool opened...
It's been a perfect day for playing in the water every day!
So, the season for full-scale water play has begun...
Let's get used to water little by little so that we can become friends with it!
Although I said that, we're already using water well...
Here and there...

What, what, what?It's not a bath? This is what we call a pool!

Hot spots, lukewarm spots, and cold spots...The sandbox pool is nice too~
This is the "warm square", truly the "warm square"
Proof that we are playing while taking breaks!

While being careful about heat stroke,we hope to have lots of fun playing...
However, we may get tired and become sick easily...
Let's make "early to bed, early to rise, and eat breakfast"
our motto so that we can continue to have fun days!