
Today, a child who hasn't turned 1 yet has newly entered the kindergarten…
Here at Manabiya Yumenomori, we will take care of the "life" and "heart" of a child from 6-months of age.

The baby came to the kindergarten in high spirits… The designers had been waiting for this day so much. The designer in charge greeted them with a big smile and carefully checked the children.

While her vision may still be developing, she looked around a lot to try and learn as much as she could about the new world. She tried to communicate as best as she could. 

When your neck muscles have developed and work properly, and you can sit up by yourself, the world that was previously two-dimensional will enter the third dimension with the addition of "Height". Then the way the children play or recognise things become different. 

It was a day that I felt a lot from this child who newly entered the kindergarten.

Those "eyes" that try to learn about the unknown world, and the "curiousity" that try to feel strange things with all five senses, "social skills" that chatter in babbling, and when you turn over, you lie down and bend your body in a way that represents Superman…
It's how the small body flutters with an unimaginable amount of power…
It's as if the battery will run out if you look at it and hold it in your arms…
It gains weight in your arms and lets out small breaths…
It's just the power to live! It's so comforting to see her "learning", using her whole body right up until she goes to sleep! 

I used to be like her…
Everyone used to be like her…

I think I should have this attitude…
I want to be a person who can "learn" from myself forever…
You made me think so… Thank you and welcome!

Her friends, who had been living at the childrens centre earlier than her, looked into each and every ones faces and said hello…They were happy and smiled…

The children have recovered their physical conditions and are now able to go to kidnergarten in good spirits. At present, various infectious diseases, such as herpangina and respiratory syncytial virus, are raging around children, so we will continue to strive to prevent them!