
【kodomoen】In search of individuality

The theme for this year at Yume no Mori Kindergarten has been "Wachawacha" for a month now...

"Let's all think together! This and that"

As a group of thinking teachers, we have been facing each and every matter with "questions"

Let's perfect the "weekly plan"! Let's think about "wall decorations"! And so on

We have cherished the time to think together about things that we have been "doing" in a monotonous way up until now. In order to perfect childcare...

We have been and will continue to cherish this...

There is something to learn from designers...

That the opposite of "success" is not "failure"...

Designers realize...

That the opposite of "success" is "doing nothing"...

They are "whacking around" in each room...

In the midst of all this, I sometimes hear words that make me very happy...

Regarding the room environment and the children's activities

"This doesn't really feel like Yume no Mori..."

If you put children right in the middle of Yume no Mori and "whack around," it will surely look like this...

Good, good! Keep it up!

If you spend time at your desk searching for the exact "Yume no Mori" feel...
Just try to move forward while cherishing impressions such as "Yume no Mori-like" and "Not Yume no Mori-like"!

We are all building "Yume no Mori" together...
I want to cherish your "Yume no Mori" feel too...
Please continue to be as "busy" as you like!
That is what "Yume no Mori childcare" is,
and what makes it "Yume no Mori" feel...
I hope that in the future, people will start saying "This is kind of like Yume no Mori!"
And another such "dream" has been born...

The important thing is, well...
"Give it a go!"
I think that's what it is.
It's also the words of Sato, the head of Yume no Mori Designer School (superintendent of education)...

I wonder how much we can play with newspapers...?Newspapers are truly an attractive material!

Let's try to make the most of the nursery room in a three-dimensional way!

How should we display children's artwork to excite them?

Wouldn't it be fun to display a carp streamer here? I wonder how the children will react...

