
【Kodomoen】 A world of their own

Scrap wood is brought to life by the hands of children on a daily basis. It transforms into toys they can be attached to. Since they make them themselves, the way they play is in their own way.

By attaching two toilet paper rolls side by side, then putting a pattern on them, and attach cellophane as lenses, is an interesting way to make binoculars… even though you can't see much. But they took them outside and looked around anyway. They've now created a new way to look at the world, haven't they?

If you stick food trays together with a piece of plastic cut out of herself…

Will it float?

There is a large TV set on it too, and it can even watch YouTube! I guess this is another way to look at the world!

The three Nobinobi musketeers went out to the fields to see how the sweet potatoes were doing, and carried out a large-scale weeding operation, they also set up a sign to recognise that it was our field.

Rather than watching over the sweet potatoes, they are protecting them.

But I won't rob you of your loved ones' place!

Sukusuku's room

We are starting to see this type of contact! When you lounge around the room…

Pretending play is created…
I'm happy to see small changes every day! These changes are making the children reliable!

Even when I go outside, I feel that the physical and psychological distance between children playing is getting smaller…

"My" world, "your" world and "everyones" world.

Every world matters!
In order for each of us to obtain a passport that will allow us to fly around the world, our designers are working hard every day to create an environment for that purpose!