
[A daily Record] Cheer without thinking!

Physical fitness tests were conducted.
Grip strength, long sitting forward bend, repeated side jumps, sit-ups, ball throwing, 50m sprint, standing long jump, 20m shuttle run...

The person holding the feet is also important!

Some of the children remembered their records from last year,

and worked hard, getting excited and upset, saying things like, "It's less than last year!" and "It's better!"

In the headwind...

After practicing several times, it was time for the real thing!

The shuttle run in particular challenged the limits. It was an endurance run in which the Do-Re-Mi scale gradually picks up pace and the children have to run while the scale is playing. At first, the children were running with ease and having fun. It became difficult as the number of times increased.

Started with all grades

Slow pace for a while

Seeing how hard they tried, I couldn't help but cheer them on, saying, "Go for it!!" "50 times! Just a little more!" "Go for it!!"

Go for it!!

The number of participants decreased with each run. The child who ran to the end recorded over 100 runs! Endurance running is a battle with yourself. It warmed my heart to see them trying so hard to run just a little bit more.When you see them trying so hard, it's natural to want to cheer them on.Thank you for your hard work!