
【A daily record】During school-wide P.E.

June 1st (Saturday) is the Sports Festival!

All school members are practicing for their sports in P.E. class.

The Yume Olympics will feature many events in relay format.

Large ball rolling

Ball rolling          Big pants race

Swedish derby Big hand

Salmon salmon roe carrying                                      Target shooting

Bon dance practice

Practicing from the moment they entered the stadium in costume

Their headbands are perfect!

They're getting pumped for the big day!

Their chants are starting to sound good.

The energy of everyone at Yume no Mori! Pierce the roof and send it up to the sky!

"We'll have fun, and we'll make sure everyone who comes has fun too."

The children are practicing as hard as they can.

We look forward to seeing you there on the day.

New commercial. Let's hope the weather is perfect!