
【kodomoen】Sand is just sand, but it's still sand

Sand is delivered to the sandbox by Maruto Man...
New sand has arrived in the now empty sandbox...
The person who delivered this sand is Professor Junko Munakata of Fukushima University, a leading researcher in sandbox play...

The texture of "good sand" can be seen from the way it flows down

Professor Munakata takes a photo with joy at the delivery of the sand

Once again, the sand is delivered by a large "working vehicle"...
It is poured into the sandbox that has been waiting for this moment...
The quality can be felt from the way it flows down
And above all, the quality can be felt when you touch it
You will be captivated by this sand in an instant...
This is the "washed sand" from Tanagura Town, Fukushima Prefecture, that Fukushima Prefecture is proud of!

I was planning to ask Professor Munegata about playing in the sandbox...
Adults who touch this sand will play in it...
This is what "sand" is! This is what a "sandbox" is!

"Hey! Aren't you playing too much?" You've got steam coming out of your head! Is it Sunday for your ears?

If you squeeze sand with evenly-grained particles, it will hold the shape you hold in your hand.
Of course, if you put the sand into a mold and cut it out, it will stay in the shape.
I was amazed at how smooth it was and how well it held water when you poured water over it...
I feel more and more that sand is the best material to play with...
I mean, is there any other material that is so responsive to children's actions...? If you put it on a plate, it's rice, if you put it in a bowl, it's soup...
If you roll it, it's a dumpling, if you dig it, it's a hole, if you stack it, it's a mountain...
If you can hold it together with your hands, you can easily break it down...
And something new will be born...

Robert Fulghum
"All the wisdom I need in life I learned in the sandbox at kindergarten"
Even if it seems like they're just playing in the sandbox all day...
"Time" "Space" "Friends" + 1
With the designer's generous hidden "effort"
Children are really feeling, thinking, and learning all kinds of things...
We also think that the "sandbox" is one of the happy environments where we can do things that we can only do now...
The "sandbox" is a place where our senses are sharpened...
It's a place we want to cherish, and it's a game we want to cherish...
It may be just sand, but it's still sand...
If there are any disadvantages to playing in the sand, please let me know! I've mentioned the sandbox a few times in this note, and I get excited when I talk about it...
I think so because of the children playing in the sandbox...
And so, another richness was brought to Yume no Mori's playground...

Depending on the size of the particles, Yume no Mori now has a playground with "gravel," "sand," and "mud"...




Based on the children playing, I have promised to continue to train with Munekata-sensei on sandbox play...
Thank you for your continued support, Munekata-sensei...

Although we have noticed something strange in the playground as Typhoon No. 1 moves north...
We haven't had many opportunities to play outside, but...

The "newspaper area" is perfect for image training!

Just imagining the children playing here gets me excited...
While watching the children play in the sand,
we will also have fun playing with the sand to our heart's content, sometimes with the designers!