
【Report for June 1st】Thinking about world peace

The Youth Red Cross Registration Ceremony was held today. "What is the Red Cross?" Let's start with this question. First, the teacher explained the history of the Red Cross, and what kind of activities they do. "Then what should we do to become members of the Red Cross?"
This was an important question. What can we do for the world? It's difficult to think of what we can do for the entire world, but there must be something we can do for the people close to us at least. "Think and act." That is our homework from now on. Finally, each student received a Red Cross badge from the principal. Everyone had a patch in their hands and looked focussed.

It is time for arts and crafts for the first grade students. First, they started by tearing up paper into small pieces. They tore them and scattered the pieces around the room. Normally, they would get scalded, but for this, it is necessary. Then, they used their imaginations to make pictures with the torn pieces. "This looks like a rocket!" "This looks like a car!" Don't forget to clean up once you are done! Of course, the teachers ended up cleaning the messy room by themselves.
Finally, we presented our works. We had everyone guess what they thought each one looked like, and devised ways to make the presentations interesting. 
Nice work! Lets hang them around the classroom. It was fun!